Ghost Searchers (2020)
Ghost Searchers (2020)
A dark comedy short film that follows Matt and Jeff, two hapless local paranormal investigators in the wake of a community becoming more skeptical of the supernatural. When Robert hires them to take on a wild case, the Ghost Searchers must separate fact from fiction and help the troubled specter cross over to the other side.

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Max Doubt Max Doubt As: Matt
Jonny Lee Jonny Lee As: Jeff
Dylan Terril Dylan Terril As: Robert
Ashley McIntosh Ashley McIntosh As: Katie
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A dark comedy short film that follows Matt and Jeff, two hapless local paranormal investigators in the wake of a community becoming more skeptical of the supernatural. When Robert hires them to take on a wild case, the Ghost Searchers must separate fact from fiction and help the troubled specter cross over to the other side.

Certification: PG-13


Genres: Comedy, Horror, Thriller

Language: English

Release Date: 16 October 2020


Runtime: 19m

Company Credits


Budget: $6,300

External Links


Directed By

Neil George

Neil George


Writing Credits

Production Crew

Neil George

Neil George


Edited By

Costume and Makeup

Nethathai Chanajon

Nethathai Chanajon

Makeup & Hair


Conor O'Neill

Conor O'Neill

Sound Designer

Visual Effects

Neil George

Neil George

Visual Effects


Neil George

Neil George

Director of Photography

Yuliam Rosado

Yuliam Rosado

Camera Operator


Not currently known.

Art Department

Not currently known.

Other Crew

Not currently known.

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