Three Musketeers Collection
Three Musketeers Collection
Bernard Borderie movies with Gérard Barray as D'Artagnan and Mylène Demongeot as Milady de Winter.

Vengeance of the Three Musketeers (1961)

25 October, 1961
To avenge her defeat and with the help of the Cardinal's army leader Rochefort, the treacherous Milady de Winter kidnaps both D'Artagnan and Constance, in order to spur a war between the French and the English, as per the Cardinal's wish.

The Fighting Musketeers (1961)

04 October, 1961
D'Artagnan is back from England with a message for the queen. Buckingham has declared that he was ready to attack France to deliver Anne of Austria. D'Artagnan ends up arrested and thrown into prison. Musketeers wonder how to rescue their friend.