Kara Ben Nemsi Collection
Kara Ben Nemsi Collection

Yellow Devil (1964)

20 August, 1964
When a villain named "Der Schut" terrorizes the constituents of Albanian country, which he rules, heroic Kara Ben Nemsi and his sidekick are the only ones who can stop him.

The Wild Men of Kurdistan (1965)

06 October, 1965
After dealing with the Shut in the Balkans, Kara Ben-Nemsi ('Karl the German') receives a firman (precious passport) from the padishah (Ottoman sultan) before he continues his travels through Kurdistan. Achmed El Corda, the son of Halef's Hadedhin Beduin tribe's sheik Mohammed Emin, has been captured by the machredsh (Turkish governor) of Mossul for resisting water seizure by his Turkish troops. Kara takes charge of the rescue.

Kingdom of the Silver Lion (1965)

31 December, 1965
Kara Ben-Nemsi, friends and rescuers set out to free a young relative of the guardian of the treasure of the Chaldaeans (Christian sect), who is captured for that fabulous ransom.