Jeeves and Wooster (1990)
Jeeves and Wooster (1990)
Jeeves and Wooster is a British comedy-drama series adapted by Clive Exton from P.G. Wodehouse's "Jeeves" stories. It aired on the ITV network from 1990 to 1993, starring Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster, a young gentleman with a "distinctive blend of airy nonchalance and refined gormlessness", and Stephen Fry as Jeeves, his improbably well-informed and talented valet. Wooster is a bachelor, a minor aristocrat and member of the idle rich. He and his friends, who are mainly members of The Drones Club, are extricated from all manner of societal misadventures by the indispensable valet, Jeeves. The stories are set in the United Kingdom and the United States in the 1930s.

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3x01 Bertie Sets Sail

29 March, 1992 7:30 pm
Bertie escapes Aunt Agatha's plot to get him married to Honoria Glossop by taking a ship to New York, accompanied by Jeeves. On board he meets Tuppy who is going to buy a car there and is then lumbered with Lady Malvern's son, Wilmot. Once in America, she leaves for a tour of prisons for an upcoming book. She has left strict instructions as to how to look after the very delicate Wilmot who turns from a withdrawn little man into someone who's out clubbing and getting drunk every night. Meanwhile Tuppy has fallen in love with the daughter of an automobile manufacturer and so has promised to buy 48 cars when he barely has enough money for one. Bertie escapes to the woods to stay with poet friend Mr Todd while Jeeves sorts things out.

3x02 The Full House

05 April, 1992 7:30 pm
Poet Mr Rockmeteller Todd (Rocky) wants a quiet life in his cabin in the Long Island woods but his Aunt Isobel, who keeps him supplied with money, wants him out clubbing every night and to send her a report of what is going on. Jeeves - who somehow attracts the women of New York like a magnet - goes clubbing in his place and Rocky writes reports from his details. However, he makes it sound so good that the aunt decides to see for herself. Meanwhile, Bicky Bickersteth's father believes Bicky is in Colorado learning farming (if he wants to keep his allowance), but he is staying in New York and his father finds out. Bertie lends Rocky his place to impress his aunt but Bicky's father arrives and also believes Bertie's apartment belongs to his son, and seeing that he is apparently doing well, cuts his allowance off. It is down to Jeeves to save the day.

3x03 Introduction on Broadway

12 April, 1992 7:30 pm
Aunt Agatha sends Cyril Bassington-Bassington to Bertie in New York with strict instructions that he is to be kept away from the stage. Shortly after arrival, Cyril goes on stage. Meanwhile, friend Corky Corcoran asks Bertie to help him ask his uncle to accept his girlfriend so he can marry her. Things go wrong and the uncle ends up marrying her and cuts off Corky's allowance. Then Aunt Agatha arrives and wants to see a play, the same play that Cyril is in. Only Jeeves can sort out such a mess.

3x04 Right Ho! Jeeves

19 April, 1992 7:30 pm
Gussie Fink-Nottle is to visit Deverill Hall but gets drunk and ends up sentenced to 14 days in jail. Bertie is also due there, where Aunt Agatha is trying to match him up with Gertrude Winkworth. So that Gussie doesn't get in trouble, Bertie turns up pretending to be him, but then Gussie turns up too (having just been fined) with Jeeves posing as his butler. Gussie pretends to be Bertie and woos Gertrude successfully. Meanwhile, Catsmeat Potter-Pirbright, who is in love with Gertrude, appears (he has been rejected by the fierce Dame Daphne Winkworth and her four sisters), pretending to be Bertie's butler. When it seems that things can't get any worse, Aunt Agatha and Gussie's girlfriend Madeline Bassett turn up.

3x05 Hot Off the Press

26 April, 1992 7:30 pm
Sir Watkyn Bassett is writing his memoirs of his misspent youth, which also include a lot of other misspent youths of people who are now famous. Bertie, who has just become engaged, is sent to destroy the manuscript. Guests at the house include would-be dictator Roderick Spode, Gussie Fink-Nottle and, nearby, another old enemy of Bertie's, Constable Oates. The local vicar is Stinker Pinker. Added to this is a number of tough young ladies, a local play and a dog that gets arrested, all of which means a lively time for Bertie and Jeeves.

3x06 Comrade Bingo

03 May, 1992 7:30 pm
Bingo Little has joined The Red Dawn, an outspoken Communist group, to be near Charlotte Rowbotham, with whom he is in love. Bertie is pushed by Aunt Dahlia into going to Marsham Manor (near Goodwood) with her so she can get Cornelia Fothergill to sign her latest novel to her, so she can use it in her magazine. However, she doesn't tell Bertie that she wants him to steal a painting to accomplish this (we see why Bertie would never have made it as a burglar). Roderick Spode is also there, now the seventh earl of Sidcup (the sixth Earl having died) and is giving a farewell tour to his Black Shorts.

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