Coronation Street (1960)
Coronation Street (1960)
The residents of Coronation Street are ordinary, working-class people, and the show follows them through regular social and family interactions at home, in the workplace, and in their local pub, the Rovers Return Inn. Britain's longest-running soap.

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23x01 Episode 2166 (4th January 1982)

04 January, 1982 8:00 pm
The factory girls grill Elsie about her night out. She swears nothing happened between Wilf Stockwell and her. Vera wants to tell Frankie that Sylvie went out with Mike but Elsie warns her off. Frankie tells Mike the taxman wants £500 off him. Mike refuses to give him any money. Frankie hears that Mike and Sylvie spent the evening together. He is upset that they didn't tell him. They assure him it was an innocent evening. Deirdre urges Emily to spend the money and forget it. Ken tells her that he needs a trampoline for the kids at the Community Centre. She thinks it's a brilliant idea. Wilf takes Elsie to the Rovers. Mike tells her to keep away from Wilf as his wife could cause trouble but Elsie refuses to listen - she likes Wilf.

23x02 Episode 2167 (6th January 1982)

06 January, 1982 8:00 pm
Fred tries to forget all about Eunice. Wilf Stockwell gives Mike the order. Frankie feels sure Sylvie and Mike spent the night together. Mike rings him and tells him that he's being stupid. Elsie cooks Wilf lunch at No.11. She tells him that his wife is checking up on him. Emily gives Ken a cheque for £1,200 for a trampoline. She wants to use the other £800 to buy a bed at the hospital in Ernie's name. Mike gives Sylvie a cheque for £500 for Frankie to clear his debts. Gordon Clegg rings Betty, saying he's coming to visit her.

23x03 Episode 2168 (11th January 1982)

11 January, 1982 8:00 pm
Travelling electrician Alec Hobson advertises for business in the Street, camping out in his van. Bert gets a job interview as warehouse man, but the job has been filled when he gets there. Gordon turns up to see Betty. He tells her that he's getting married. Len tells Bert that Longshaw's Foundry are taking on fitters. Betty takes a shine to Gordon's fiancée Caroline Wilson. Bert is taken on at Longshaws - he can't believe it. He then discovers that his first day at work clashes with his court appearance.

23x04 Episode 2169 (13th January 1982)

13 January, 1982 8:00 pm
Ivy feels that Bert should tell Longshaw's Foundry that he has to attend a funeral but Bert wants to tell the truth. Annie calls the police when Alec Hobson disappears with her teasmade and toaster, but she feels awful when Alec returns with the repaired items and has to cancel her complaint. Ivy is furious that Bert is going to risk his job by telling the truth about the court case. Gordon tells Betty that she can bring Annie to the wedding, Betty tells him she will if Caroline agrees. Bert tells Mr. Swift, the works manager at Longshaw's, about his court case. He tells him that if they'd known about the case they wouldn't have employed him. Caroline tells Betty she must bring Annie. She snootily tells Gordon she's surprised the Rovers aren't bringing a charabanc. Longshaws admire Bert's honesty and keep him on. Gordon and Caroline return to London. Betty worries that he's making a mistake marrying Caroline.

23x05 Episode 2170 (18th January 1982)

18 January, 1982 8:00 pm
Annie is invited to the 200th anniversary banquet of Newton & Ridley. Alec's van breaks down. Margaret Swain calls on Emily and she tells Emily how Arnold ran out on her after their honeymoon. Emily is appalled that all Arnold told her about his unhappy marriage was lies and that he took her on honeymoon to the same hotel where he took Margaret. Annie has difficulty in finding an escort to the party. Margaret Swain tells Emily that Arnold left her nothing in his will and thinks it unfair that Emily inherited £2,000. Emily feels sorry for her. Betty takes pity on Alec and takes him in as a lodger.

23x06 Episode 2171 (20th January 1982)

20 January, 1982 8:00 pm
Betty enjoys looking after Alec but begins to wonder if he's taking her for granted when he repairs his van on her drive. Annie and Betty go to Altrincham to buy outfits for Gordon's wedding. Emily still decides to buy the hospital bed and tells Margaret Swain that she deserves the £2,000. Emily gives her a cheque. Mike asks Alec to do some industrial repairs at the factory. Betty receives a telegram from Gordon informing her that he and Caroline Wilson are already married, having booked a last-minute register office ceremony. She is upset. Fred decides that he should escort Annie to the brewery banquet, with the hope that he can chat up Sarah Ridley.

23x07 Episode 2172 (25th January 1982)

25 January, 1982 8:00 pm
Bert goes to court for non-declaration of earnings. He pleads guilty. Alec works at the factory, repairing the sewing machines. Annie buys an expensive tea-service for Gordon. She is stunned to hear that he has already married. Bert is given £90 in fines and has to repay £200 dole. Ron Sykes tells Brian that he's having to sell the garage and sack him. He's landed a contract in Qatar in the Gulf States to service the government department's motor fleet. He offers Brian a job, telling him that the money will be very good. Annie is stunned when Fred offers his services as escort to her. She tells him that she has someone else lined up. Brian tells Gail that he's going to lose his job and wants to go to Qatar for six months. She is stunned.

23x08 Episode 2173 (27th January 1982)

27 January, 1982 8:00 pm
Bert starts work at Longshaw's Foundry. Chairman of the Licenced Victuallers, Gerald Bannister, agrees to escort Annie to the banquet. Ron Sykes tells Brian that he needs his decision on Qatar as soon as possible. Brian is keen but needs to convince Gail. Annie orders Fred to chauffeur Bannister and her to the banquet. Vera gets an electric shock from her sewing machine after Alec has mended it. Mike takes her to hospital for a check-up. Mike tells Alec that he's not paying for his work and won't employ him again. The hospital clears Vera. She considers suing Mike. Bannister backs out of the banquet at the last minute. Fred borrows Alf's dinner suit and Annie is forced to take him with her. Gail realises that Brian will have to go to Qatar and puts a brave face on the situation.

23x09 Episode 2174 (1st February 1982)

01 February, 1982 8:00 pm
Fred enjoyed his evening, dancing with Sarah Ridley. He can't remember where he left the Rover though. Betty thinks it's a shame that Alec has to move on. Brian leaves for Qatar. Annie is furious about Fred's exhibition at the brewery dance. Gail refuses to sit around moping whilst Brian is away. Fred finds the Rover where he left it at the hotel. A space invader machine is delivered to the Rovers, ordered by Fred at the dance - Annie is livid. Fred can't remember ordering the machine. Alec can't afford the repairs for the van. The mechanic refuses to release the van until he's paid. Annie insists the space invader is removed. Fred discovers that he's also ordered a Rover Limo.

23x10 Episode 2175 (3rd February 1982)

03 February, 1982 8:00 pm
Gail is flattered when Alec flirts with her. Hilda gives Stan money to buy her a birthday present and give it to her in the Rovers in front of everyone. Fred goes for a test drive in a Rover Limo, witnessed by Annie. He tells the car salesman that he'll be in touch. Alec needs another £40 to get his van back. Betty lends him the money. Gail gets fed up with Ivy calling all the time, bossing her about. Fred returns Alf's dinner suit in a terrible state. Alf insists that he cleans it. Deirdre wants another child but fears Ken doesn't want one.

23x11 Episode 2176 (8th February 1982)

08 February, 1982 8:00 pm
Fred dry cleans Alf's suit. Elsie worries that Wilf is taking her for granted as his "Manchester tart". Betty misses Alec. Fred is shocked when a barmaid, Phyllis Lomax, turns up saying that he offered her a job at the dance working as a waitress at "his restaurant". Ken is put out when Deirdre tells him that she wants a baby. He refuses to discuss the matter. Deirdre grows frustrated. Wilf takes Elsie out to dinner and tells her that he's very fond of her and misses her when he doesn't see her. She is pleased.

23x12 Episode 2177 (10th February 1982)

10 February, 1982 8:00 pm
Ken tells Deirdre it wouldn't be practical for them to have a baby. When she pursues the subject, Ken stuns Deirdre by telling her that he doesn't want another child. Stan feels guilty for not remembering Hilda's birthday and buys her a Valentine. Deirdre accuses Ken of marrying her under false pretences, as he'd agreed to have a child before they married. He feels he's too old to be a father again. She tells him that she feels cheated. Stan gets Alf to write the Valentine and asks him to post it through the door on the day, so Hilda won't know its from him. Wilf tells Elsie that he wants to leave his wife.

23x13 Episode 2178 (15th February 1982)

15 February, 1982 8:00 pm
Alf finds the card and realises he forgot to post it. He pushes it through No.13's door. Eddie starts to use a CB radio with the callsign of "Slim Jim" and he contacts a woman calling herself "Stardust Lil". Hilda finds her Valentine and hides it from Stan. Deirdre is cool towards Ken. Hilda thinks she's got a secret admirer, Stan says he sent it but she refuses to believe him as he's never sent her one before. Eddie spends the day talking to Stardust Lil. He tells her he's a business man. She is impressed by him. He asks her for a date and she agrees. Hilda dresses up in case her admirer makes himself known to her. Wilf turns up to see Elsie. She worries that he's left home. He tells her that he would never leave Dot for her. She feels better when he tells her his marriage has been wrecked for a long time, now he wants a bit of happiness. Eddie decides he'll nick Hilda's keys to Mike's flat to entertain Lil.

23x14 Episode 2179 (17th February 1982)

17 February, 1982 8:00 pm
Eddie meets up with "Stardust Lil" at St. Paul's Gardens - she is a young woman called Marion Willis. Wilf Stockwell confirms that he has left his wife. Hilda thinks that Alf has given her the card - but then is corrected by Alf. Deirdre confirms her wishes to have a baby.

23x15 Episode 2180 (22nd February 1982)

22 February, 1982 8:00 pm
Gail meets neighbour Jackie Moffatt who has just moved in next door. Hilda calls herself "Shady Lady" and uses Eddie's CB. She finds it fascinating. She contacts "Tricky Mickey" who tells her that he wants an eyeball. Mike receives an answerphone message from "Stardust Lil", who got his number when she was at the flat. Gail enjoys being with Jackie. Mike tells Hilda about Stardust. She realises that Eddie has been meddling with her keys. Wilf Stockwell wants to see Elsie but she tells him to stay away for a few days. Len warns him not to hurt Elsie. Hilda tells Eddie to stay away from Mike's flat. Eddie has copies made of the keys to Mike's flat. Dot Stockwell calls on Mike and tells him that she wants to know the name of Wilf's mistress.

23x16 Episode 2181 (24th February 1982)

24 February, 1982 8:00 pm
Mike warns Elsie that Dot Stockwell is on the warpath. Dot goes into the factory, stops production and asks Ivy who Wilf has been sleeping with. Elsie owns up and Dot tells her to stay away from Wilf. Elsie refuses to listen to Dot's threats and tells her that it's clear why he left her. Dot feels sure Wilf will return to her if Elsie finishes with him. Jackie Moffatt persuades Gail to come out with her and the girls. Eddie entertains Marion at Mike's flat again, drinking all of Mike's brandy. Marion tells Eddie that she'd like to stay the night with him. Elsie tells Wilf to sort Dot out. He doesn't mind facing a big divorce settlement if he can have happiness with Elsie.

23x17 Episode 2182 (1st March 1982)

01 March, 1982 8:00 pm
Mike finds a letter to Eddie amongst his mail. He realises that Eddie has been using his flat as a love nest. He tackles Hilda but she swears she hasn't helped Eddie. Don Worthington asks Rita to take in a sixteen-year old girl for a few days. She agrees as it's an emergency and Sharon Gaskell moves in. Mike tackles Eddie and he tells Mike about his copied key. Mike threatens to bring the police in. Eddie tells him that he's got nothing to offer a woman and used the flat to impress Marion. Mike agrees not to tell the police, feeling sorry for him. Eddie asks Mike if he could tell Marion the truth in the flat, Mike admires his cheek and agrees. Jackie Moffatt and Gail go out for the evening while Jackie's husband Geoff babysits. Len finds Sharon at No.9 who introduces herself as his new foster daughter. Sharon enjoys having a room of her own; Len enjoys Sharon's spirit. Ivy calls on Gail to find Geoff babysitting. She is put out that Gail is on the town.

23x18 Episode 2183 (3rd March 1982)

03 March, 1982 8:00 pm
Eddie fears that Marion will drop him when he tells her the truth. Sharon spends the day organising the records at The Kabin and is thoroughly bored. Eddie entertains Marion to a meal at the flat and tells her that she means a lot to him. She tells him that she doesn't want to see him again as he's too rich for her and the flat makes her feel uncomfortable. Eddie thinks it's hysterical and tells her the truth about his life. Marion tells him that she'll still go out with him if he's telling her the truth. Gail buys a new dress with some of the money Brian has sent home, Ivy isn't impressed. Sharon goes out with a girlfriend but refuses to tell the Faircloughs where she's going. Rita wins her round by doing her make-up to make her look less tarty. Eddie gets Fred to insult him to prove to Marion that he's only a grotty binman. She is delighted. Elsie refuses to commit herself with Wilf.

23x19 Episode 2184 (8th March 1982)

08 March, 1982 8:00 pm
Sharon refuses to work at The Kabin again and persuades Len to take her on at the yard. Ivy is put out that Brian has written to Gail but not her. Betty finds Fred unconscious at the bottom of the cellar steps. Eddie and Mike carry him up. He regains consciousness but suffers back pains as he fell down the stairs. Betty calls for an ambulance. Sharon surprises Len with her carpentry skills. Webster's cancel their order with Mike. He realises that Dot Stockwell has put the boot in and is using her influence to damage Mike and Elsie. He lays into Elsie but she tells him to get off her back. Fred is taken to hospital for an X-ray. He is signed off work with a bad back and is told to go to bed until it's better. Mike tells the girls they could be on a three-day week soon because Webster's have cancelled the order. Ivy realises Elsie has caused trouble.

23x20 Episode 2185 (10th March 1982)

10 March, 1982 8:00 pm
Fred's back is better but he decides to make the most of the attention he's getting and stays in bed. Ivy and the girls feel sure that Dot Stockwell had the Webster's order cancelled. Mike puts them all back on a three-day week. Vera tells Elsie she's to blame but Elsie tells the girls that she doesn't care what they think. Eddie helps out behind the bar as Bet and Betty can't cope with the cellar. Sharon has a great time with Len pulling out a boiler. Len finds that she's too much for him and can't wait for her to be taken home. Eddie tells Fred that he could claim compensation for falling down the steps. Vera tells Ivy they should send Elsie to Coventry.

23x21 Episode 2186 (15th March 1982)

15 March, 1982 8:00 pm
Ivy and the girls decide not to speak to Elsie and they bully a new starter, Kathy Barrett, into joining them. Elsie is amused that the girls are playing childish games. She carries on talking as usual, telling them about her date with Wilf and singing at the top of her voice, driving the other women mad. Eddie finds out for Fred that he can claim on Annie's insurance. Mike is furious to discover that Elsie has been sent to Coventry and he tells the girls it has to stop but they refuse. Elsie tells Mike she doesn't care - she can cope. Annie returns home to find Fred in bed and Eddie working as pot man. Fred tells her that the cellar steps are in bad repair and he could sue. Annie determines to find out if he's really ill or not, she calls in the Rugby Club's back specialist. Bet tells Fred that Annie has arranged for him to have a Swedish massage. Wilf refuses to let Elsie carry the blame for his mistake and says that he'll see Webster about getting the order back.

23x22 Episode 2187 (17th March 1982)

17 March, 1982 8:00 pm
Fred tarts himself up for his massage. Elsie uses her state of Coventry to insult the other girls as they can't reply. Annie thinks it's wonderful that Fred is expecting a Swedish massage. Bet and Annie try not to laugh as Nipper Harris sets upon Fred. Wilf threatens to resign unless the order is reinstated. Nipper tells Annie there's nothing wrong with Fred after he's pulled him all over the bed. Elsie tricks Vera into speaking to her. The mood is broken to everyone's delight. Fred tells Annie that Nipper has put him back weeks. Annie tells him that he'd have to give up the Rovers if he's got a suspect back. Websters calls Wilf's bluff and accepts his resignation. He plans to make a new start and asks Elsie to take him in, she refuses; she can't make a big commitment to him. Fred returns to work.

23x23 Episode 2188 (22nd March 1982)

22 March, 1982 8:00 pm
Rita and Len decide to throw a party for Sharon's seventeenth birthday as she's never had a party before. Gail is upset that she hasn't heard from Brian for a while. Ron Sykes returns home on leave. Alec also returns and Betty is thrilled to see him. He gives Betty her £40 back. Elsie is sad that she's finished with Wilf. Betty hopes Alec will move back in with her but he wants to live in his van. Sharon is thrilled that she can have a party for her friends. Len has misgivings. Ivy hears that Ron is back. She and Gail are upset that Brian didn't return with him.

23x24 Episode 2189 (24th March 1982)

24 March, 1982 8:00 pm
The Faircloughs buy Sharon some earrings and a tool kit for her birthday. The wheels are nicked off Alec's van whilst he sleeps in it. Ron Sykes reveals Brian is homesick and didn't want to come home as he's getting settled and doesn't want to be disturbed again. Gail has a phone installed at the house. Len and Rita spoil Sharon's party by their presence. Sharon convinces them to leave them to it. Ron tells Gail that Brian is missing her but couldn't get leave. At the party Sharon is pleased when Steve Dunthorne tells her he fancies her. She is annoyed when her brother Wayne Gaskell turns up and starts causing trouble. Betty offers Alec the £40 back so he can get some new wheels and he accepts. When Wayne starts a fight with Steve, Sharon gets Len to return and sort Wayne out. Alec agrees to stay with Betty until his van is repaired. When all the guests are gone, Steve tries to get Sharon upstairs. Len throws him out, upsetting Sharon. Gail phones Brian and discovers he's in Cairo on l

23x25 Episode 2190 (29th March 1982)

29 March, 1982 8:00 pm
Sharon convinces Len she wasn't getting up to anything at the party. He tells her that he thinks Steve Dunthorne is too old for her. Hilda doesn't like Eddie staying out late at night with Marion. Eddie thinks he's in love. Gail is upset that Brian preferred to be in Cairo than with her. She gets upset when Ivy goes on about how wonderful Brian is and Gail tells her about Brian living it up in Cairo. Eddie tells Hilda that his relationship is suffering as he hasn't got a place to court Marion. She tells him that he can court at No.13. Len doesn't trust Steve and is amazed when Sharon considers going on the pill. She asks Len to trust her; she knows what Steve wants from her. Hilda decides she wants to get to know Marion better and invites her for Sunday tea. Eddie is horrified.

23x26 Episode 2191 (31st March 1982)

31 March, 1982 8:00 pm
Len refuses to let Sharon take Steve Dunthorne up to her bedroom. Sharon accuses him of spoiling all her fun. Len throws Steve out, telling him that she can't see him again. Hilda makes Stan wear a suit when Marion comes to tea. Don Worthington finds a more permanent home for Sharon who thinks the Faircloughs don't want her any more because of Steve. Gail goes out on the town; if Brian can, so can she.

23x27 Episode 2192 (5th April 1982)

05 April, 1982 8:00 pm
Len takes Audrey on at The Kabin as Rita is visiting Sam Littlewood in Blackpool. Derek is promoted and sends Mavis his love via one of his salesmen, Tommy Gregg. Len is sad that Sharon has been re-placed. The police tell Alec to move his van or be fined £25. He can't move it as he still hasn't any wheels. Eddie offers to sort out some wheels for Alec. He buys some for £36. Bert babysits so Jackie Moffatt and Gail can go to a disco. Mavis knits a jumper for Princess Diana's baby. Brian phones home and Bert tells him that Gail is out. Eddie offers Alec the wheels for £50.

23x28 Episode 2193 (7th April 1982)

07 April, 1982 8:00 pm
Mavis celebrates her forty-fifth birthday. The Faircloughs give her an expensive watch. Gail is thrilled when Brian phones up. She asks him why he went to Cairo instead of coming home. He tells her how much it would have cost him to come home and she understands. Alec recognises the wheels as his old ones that were stolen and refuses to pay for them, threatening to bring the police in. Eddie threatens him but Alec kids on he's a Judo expert. Derek turns up with flowers for Mavis and invites her out for a drink. She refuses and tells him to give her regards to his mother. She feels awful when he tells her that his mother died last year. The scrap man refuses to give Eddie his £36 back and thumps him. Alec sets off to the Lake District. Betty is sad to see him go. Gail considers getting a job.

23x29 Episode 2194 (12th April 1982)

12 April, 1982 8:00 pm
Gail asks Mike if he can help her find an office job. Rita tricks Mavis into talking to Derek on the phone. She apologises to him about his mother and agrees to go for a drink with him. Jack surprises Bet by telling her that he fancies her. Derek is looking forward to moving in with his sister. Bet cooks lunch for Jack and realises he's after refuge from Vera. Ivy is annoyed to hear that Gail is job-hunting. Bert tells Ivy not to interfere. Derek asks Mavis to look at some cruise brochures with him. Jackie Moffatt types Gail an interview letter for a job as her typing is better than Gail's. Gail is determined to get a job.

23x30 Episode 2195 (14th April 1982)

14 April, 1982 8:00 pm
Mavis dreams of going on a cruise with Derek. Gail lands a job interview on her birthday. Jack pesters Bet but she's too tired to see him off. Gail has to type a test letter. The interviewer, Mrs. Rigby, tells her that she is very impressed with her letter of application however Gail's test letter is awful and she admits that a friend typed the application letter. The interviewer accuses her of wasting her time. Jack tries to get Bet into bed. She's put off because he's married. He tells her that they'll be good together and she gives in to his advances. Gail tries to explain to Ivy why she needs to get out of the house but Ivy tells her that she ought to put Nicky first. Gail tells her it's none of her business. Mavis tells Derek she's delighted about the cruise but she is horrified when he tells her that it's his sister he's taking. He gave her the brochures as he valued her opinion. She throws the brochures at him. Vera tells Bet that she's going out with her fancy man, Vic.

23x31 Episode 2196 (19th April 1982)

19 April, 1982 8:00 pm
Alma Sedgewick looks for an assistant in the cafe again. Marion cooks for Eddie and Stan as Hilda is away. Jack is pleased to spend the day with Bet, having her pamper him. Bet tells Jack that she's tired of just seeing him in her flat and wants him to take her out or she wants them to finish. Gail decides to lower her standards and asks Alma for her job back. Alma is delighted but Gail refuses to start work until the terms are favourable. Jack tells Vera that he's going to the Legion with Bert. Vera asks Bet to be her alibi for the night as she's going out with Vic. Eddie tries to tell Marion that he loves her but can't put it into words. Jack takes Bet to a pub in Stockport and tells her that he really fancies her and wants to spend more time with her.

23x32 Episode 2197 (21st April 1982)

21 April, 1982 8:00 pm
Jackie Moffatt looks after Nicky as Gail returns to work at the cafe. Bet enjoyed her night out with Jack and is keen to continue seeing him so long as no one finds out. Vera tells Bet that she had a great night out with Vic. When Jack tackles Vera about her whereabouts she tells him she was with Bet, he tells her that she's a liar; he spent the evening with Bet. Ivy is furious to find Gail working in the cafe and tells her that she has no need to as Brian is sending lots of money home. Vera goes for Bet in the Rovers, accusing her of having a joke at her expense. Bet calls her a hypocrite. Vera tells Bet to get back to the gutter. Annie throws Vera out and blames Bet for attracting the row. Bet tells Jack that he's daft for telling Vera about them, she refuses to see him anymore. Vera dumps Jack's clothes on the Rovers' bar and tells him that she's throwing him out.

23x33 Episode 2198 (26th April 1982)

26 April, 1982 8:00 pm
Jack sleeps rough and pesters Bet to take him in but she refuses. The residents are upset by a spate of muggings in the area. Marion's rent is put up, she feels she can't afford it. Vera gives Bet all of Jack's dirty washing. Bet tells her that she hasn't got Jack and has never had him. She advises her to look on the council tip. Jack dumps himself on Bert. Eddie asks Stan if Marion can lodge with them in Hilda's absence but Stan refuses, saying it will offend Hilda's morals. Detective Sergeant Bell asks Ken to keep an eye open at the Community Centre as the local muggers are youngsters. The police expect that the muggers will flash money about. Ken is reluctant to spy on the kids. Ivy is horrified to find that Bert has taken Jack in.

23x34 Episode 2199 (28th April 1982)

28 April, 1982 8:00 pm
Vera is shocked to find Jack living with the Tilsleys. Marion enjoys being in love with Eddie. Having Jack around depresses the Tilsleys. They decide they don't want to be lumbered with either Jack or Vera and conspire to get them together. Elsie is surprised that Marion is such a nice person. Bert and Ivy get Vera and Jack together for their teas. Ivy tells them that their marriage is worth fighting for. Deirdre is suspicious of teenager Raymond Attwood as he throws money about. Jack and Vera refuse to be reconciled and insult each other. Ivy tries to do some marriage guidance on them. She tries to find out why Jack felt the need to flirt with Bet. Ivy tells Vera and Jack that they both want attention and they need each other. She urges them to work at their marriage and not neglect each other. Jack and Vera are reconciled. Deirdre tells Ken about Attwood's spendings and asks him to tell the police but Ken refuses to get involved.

23x35 Episode 2200 (3rd May 1982)

03 May, 1982 8:00 pm
Ken refuses to tell the police about Raymond Attwood's spending. Marion is thrilled that Elsie is taking her in. Gail is upset when Alma goes off with a man, Frank Miller, leaving her alone at the cafe and missing Brian phoning home. Marion moves into No.11. She tells Elsie that she wanted to move from Mrs Moss's house because she was involved with her son. Marion is upset when Eddie goes to the Legion instead of keeping a date with her, arranged via Stan. Betty is mugged whilst walking home at night.

23x36 Episode 2201 (5th May 1982)

05 May, 1982 8:00 pm
Betty is in Weatherfield General. Bet rushes to her side. Fred is furious that she was a victim. Ivy has told Brian that Gail is back at work. He rings Gail and rows with her. Betty has a broken arm and a battered face. She tried to fight the muggers for her handbag but they kicked her. Eddie is furious to discover Stan didn't pass on Marion's message and she thinks he stood her up. Deirdre visits Betty in hospital and is sickened when Ken still refuses to tell the police about Raymond Attwood. Eddie lays into Stan for ruining his chances with Marion. Marion forgives him. Gail refuses to hold the fort at the cafe alone and threatens to walk out when she does. Deirdre tells the police about Attwood's new found wealth. Eddie tells Marion he has been in prison. She tells him it makes no difference to her. He builds up enough courage to suggest they get engaged. She agrees.

23x37 Episode 2202 (10th May 1982)

10 May, 1982 8:00 pm
Building inspector Frank Hurst looks over Len's new house. Hilda returns from visiting Archie Crabtree to find Eddie engaged. Betty leaves hospital. Ken is horrified that Deirdre has told the police about Raymond Attwood and he calls her irresponsible. Deirdre tells him that the world is a jungle - he is not living in an ideal world. She says that whoever mugged Betty was an animal and must be stopped. Detective Sergeant Bell tells the Barlows that Deirdre was right; Attwood was the mugger. Eddie and Marion decide to throw an engagement party. Hilda is upset that it's going to be at the Rovers and not No.13. Eddie wins her round by asking her to act as his stand-in mother. The inspector tells Len to replace his joists and cavities. Len accuses him of being fussy and refuses to replace the joists. The inspector threatens to take him to court if he doesn't comply.

23x38 Episode 2203 (12th May 1982)

12 May, 1982 8:00 pm
Ken tries to explain to Betty why he didn't report Raymond Attwood before she was mugged. She doesn't understand him. Len realises that he has to replace the joists in No.7. Betty returns to the Rovers. She tells Annie that she might have to give up the Rovers because of the walk home at night. Fred agrees to drive her home in the Rover every night. Eddie buys Marion a diamond engagement ring. Mike falls for Marion's boss Maggie Dunlop at the engagement party. The McGregor brothers arrive from Liverpool to Eddie's delight. When the partygoers fail to leave the Rovers, Annie phones the police. Elsie takes everyone back to No.11. The McGregors roll the piano into the Street to carry on the sing-song. The police arrive and clear the premises.

23x39 Episode 2204 (17th May 1982)

17 May, 1982 8:00 pm
The factory girls find they have an extra £4 in their wage packets. Eddie breaks the Ogdens' old armchair by sitting on it. Maggie Dunlop calls on Mike with flowers - he is delighted to see her. Eddie and Stan try to repair the chair before Hilda sees it. Hilda returns home to see Eddie sawing up the chair leg. Mike tells Maggie he wants her - she is pleased.

23x40 Episode 2205 (19th May 1982)

19 May, 1982 8:00 pm
Eddie repairs the chair. Maggie Dunlop causes a stir at the factory by having a look round. The factory girls get another £4 in their pay packets but they don't know if it's a mistake or a bonus. Alf sits on the Ogdens' armchair and breaks it. Hilda is ashamed and gets Stan to throw the chair out. Emily looks for a job. The girls decide not to tell Mike about the extra £4 until he finds out. Hilda tells Stan that she wants a three piece suite on hire purchase. Kathy Barrett makes the mistake of thanking a puzzled Mike for the rise.

23x41 Episode 2206 (24th May 1982)

24 May, 1982 8:00 pm
The Ogdens have £56 towards a new suite. Eddie offers to get them a new suite from a junk shop but Hilda wants one from a store. Mike discovers that his Wages Clerk has overpaid the machinists and is furious. He tells the girls that he'll be stopping the money from their wages. Hilda and Stan go to a store and decide to buy a £299 suite on easy terms. Mike asks Emily to work at the factory as his new wages clerk. She is delighted to accept. Hilda is horrified when they are refused hire purchase at the store as neither of them have a bank account and Stan won't divulge information about his earnings. Emily is pleased when Mike says that she doesn't have to work in Ernie's old office. Mike is flattered by Maggie Dunlop's attention as she's got style.

23x42 Episode 2207 (26th May 1982)

26 May, 1982 8:00 pm
Sharon runs away from her long-term foster parents. She tells the Faircloughs that she wants to return to them. Hilda is angry and ashamed that they were refused hire purchase. Mrs Fletcher gives Eddie £5 to take her old suite away. Eddie gets Hilda out of the way for an hour and installs the suite as a surprise. Hilda likes the suite and agrees that payment will be a week's free lodgings for Eddie. Vera discovers that Kathy Barrett told Mike about the extra £4s and makes her cry by rowing with her. Emily defends Kathy and angrily lays into a surprised Vera. Maggie Dunlop checks up on Mike before telling him that she's interested in going out with him.

23x43 Episode 2208 (31st May 1982)

31 May, 1982 8:00 pm
The Faircloughs love having Sharon back. Sharon refuses to return to the Boltons - her former foster family. Ken wants to spend the bank holiday reading but the rest of the family demand a day out. Sharon begs Don Worthington to let her stay with the Faircloughs; the Boltons are too posh for her and she feels out of place there. Worthington feels that she needs a long-term home. Eddie makes a book on the date of the royal birth. Bet's landlord tells her to vacate her flat whilst he has the roof repaired. The Barlows have a peaceful picnic. Len and Rita decide to apply to have Sharon permanently. Bet asks Alf to rent her the Corner Shop flat for a couple of weeks but he refuses. Ken tells Deirdre that he would like another child. They decide to try for one.

23x44 Episode 2209 (2nd June 1982)

02 June, 1982 8:00 pm
Fred warns Annie that the Rover won't pass its MOT. Bet begs Alf to take her in. The Faircloughs tell Don Worthington that they'd like to foster Sharon long-term. Don isn't convinced it would be in Sharon's best interests to be with them. He accuses Sharon of forcing the Faircloughs to take her in and asks her to reconsider. Bet wins Alf round with emotional blackmail however, he refuses to charge her rent as she won't be staying for long. Len tells Sharon that they really want her to stay. Ken is amazed when Albert encourages him to have another child. Don doesn't want the Faircloughs to have Sharon long-term as he doesn't feel they're up to it. Rita tells him that Sharon has brought their parental feelings up and they all want to be together. Bet moves into the shop flat. Worthington agrees to let Sharon stay with the Faircloughs as she's nearly eighteen. He tells them all that they can never go back on the decision.

23x45 Episode 2210 (7th June 1982)

07 June, 1982 8:00 pm
Sharon helps Len complete work on No.7. Vera brings a cat into the factory to keep the mice down. She calls her Cleopatra. Mike is furious to find clawed denim and blames the cat. Eddie tells Len that he's interested in buying No.7 for himself and Marion. Len tells him that it will cost £14,000. Ken warns Deirdre that they could have twins if she becomes pregnant. Jack's car tax is three months overdue and he needs £40 to renew it. Cleopatra knocks Emily's coffee cup over her accounts. Rita decides she wants No.7 for herself and Len.

23x46 Episode 2211 (9th June 1982)

09 June, 1982 8:00 pm
Rita and Sharon decide they want No.7 and set about persuading Len. Ivy persuades Emily to cover up for Cleopatra spilling the coffee but she is forced to show Mike a coffee-stained order sheet and tells him about Cleopatra. He goes after the cat and is furious when she rips his jacket. Eddie and Marion look round No.7. They both like it but Marion doesn't want to rush the engagement. Eddie is disappointed. Vera is ill and Jack collects her wages from Emily. Sharon lets it slip to Len that Rita wants No.7. Len tells her that he wants to make a big profit on the house for them both; using the money as a deposit on a nicer house in the country. Rita doesn't believe him. Vera is furious to find Emily has given her wages to Jack. Jack pays off his road tax using the money. Vera goes for Jack with her handbag, providing Street entertainment. Mike takes Cleopatra to the RSPCA.

23x47 Episode 2212 (14th June 1982)

14 June, 1982 8:00 pm
Alf is alarmed to hear that the neighbours think he is after Bet as a wife. Mike tells the girls that he has taken Cleopatra to be put down. Vera goes to the RSPCA and fetches the cat back. Mavis completes her red, white and blue sweater and sends it off to the Palace as a present for the royal baby. Mike tells the girls to get rid of Cleopatra or he'll drown her. Sharon tries her charms to persuade Len to let them have No.7. He maintains that they can't afford it. Emily suggests to the girls that they make Cleopatra a union member so Mike can't get rid of her. Bet discovers her flat, and the whole of Ludlow Avenue has been demolished.

23x48 Episode 2213 (16th June 1982)

16 June, 1982 8:00 pm
Alf is horrified that Bet has no flat to return to. He suspects she knew all along that it was going to be demolished. The factory girls make Cleopatra an official union member. Mike can't believe it. Bet swears to Alf that she knew nothing of her flat's demolition. Emily works out the sewing room bonus and tells them they'll each get £10. Mike tells them that they'll only get £9 as Cleopatra has to have an equal share which will go "in the kitty"! Bet tries to win Alf's sympathy by pretending to leave but he discovers her bags are empty. He admires her cheek and agrees to her staying in the flat. Rita tells Len that she really would like to have No.7. He promises to put the money they make from No.7 into a building society and offers to redecorate their bedroom.

23x49 Episode 2214 (21st June 1982)

21 June, 1982 8:00 pm
Hilda tells Stan that she wants the outside of No.13 repainted and gives him money to buy a bright colour. Lorry driver Les Charlton fancies Gail but is too shy to flirt with her. Eddie tells Stan that he'll get the paint for free from the tip. Gail is upset that Brian has decided to stay in Qatar for another two months. She feels that he doesn't want to come home. Eddie and Stan mix all the different coloured paints together. Betty is shocked when old flame Ted Farrell turns up after thirty-five years - he is the father of Gordon Clegg. She never thought that she'd see him again. Gail employs Jill Mason as a childminder whilst Jackie Moffatt is away. Ted tells Betty that he read about her attack whilst visiting his sister. He tries to explain why he never returned to her after the War. She can't bring herself to tell him that he has a son. Hilda approves of Eddie and Stan's "Jamaican Sun" paint. Les invites Gail out for a drink. She agrees, deciding to have some fun. Betty tells Annie

23x50 Episode 2215 (23rd June 1982)

23 June, 1982 8:00 pm
Hilda supervises the painting of No.13. Gail tries to get out of her date with Les Charlton but he persuades her to go for a lunchtime drink. Betty tells Bet that Cyril never knew Gordon was hers. Eddie and Stan run out of homemade paint. Betty tells Ted Farrell that Gordon wasn't Cyril's son. He half-guesses that he's the father and tells her that he couldn't live with himself if Gordon was his son. Betty lets him believe he is not Gordon's father. Nicky disappears from Jill Mason's care whilst she's shopping in the Corner Shop.

23x51 Episode 2216 (28th June 1982)

28 June, 1982 8:00 pm
Alf and Jill Mason search for Nicky. Jill thinks someone has taken him. Ken and Annie organise a search party. Les Charlton takes Gail to the Farrier's Arms. Jill innocently tells Ivy that she's lost Nicky. Ivy rushes to tell Gail and is furious to find she's been out with a lad. Elsie takes charge of distraught Gail. Annie fears that Nicky might have fallen down the cellar trap door but Bet finds he's not there. Hilda tries to comfort Ivy. Ivy decides to phone the police and hears Nicky's cries from inside No.7. Eddie smashes a window to get in and brings Nicky out. Whilst Alf searches for Nicky, someone has nicked £20 worth of cigarettes from the shop. Ivy blames Gail for Nicky's disappearance; she shouldn't be working.

23x52 Episode 2217 (30th June 1982)

30 June, 1982 8:00 pm
Gail decides to give up work to look after Nicky as she realises that it was her fault in the first place. Alma finds Ken attractive. Gail gives in her notice at the cafe but helps out with the lunchtime rush. Hilda demands that her front door is finished. When Eddie tells her the paint came from the tip, she demands the house be totally repainted in purple. Bet plans a dinner party for Elsie and Rita and gets Alf to do all the cooking whilst she's working. Les Charlton asks Gail out for a drink but she says that she'll see him around. Elsie tells Marion that she's going to see Linda for a couple of days and asks her to tell everyone she's ill. Gail decides to keep working part-time.

23x53 Episode 2218 (5th July 1982)

05 July, 1982 8:00 pm
Eddie and Marion plan to spend the night together at No.11. Mike is upset to hear that Frankie has died of a heart attack. Brian writes to Gail telling her that he's signed up for another two months. Mike goes to London to organise the funeral and Maggie comforts him. Eddie tells Hilda that he's going to Liverpool for the night. Les Charlton pesters Gail for a date. Hilda feels sorry for Elsie as she's ill in bed and calls round. Eddie has to hide in the backyard. Ivy calls on Gail and finds Les visiting her.

23x54 Episode 2219 (7th July 1982)

07 July, 1982 8:00 pm
Eddie and Marion spend the night together. Ivy apologises to Gail for thinking she's been unfaithful. Gail tells Ivy that she's missing Brian and wants him to return. Hilda guesses that Elsie is away. Stan tells her that Eddie spent the night with Marion. Deirdre celebrates her twenty-seventh birthday. Hilda makes Eddie run up and down stairs to "invalid Elsie". Gail asks Les Charlton not to call on her any more. He tells her that he likes her company but agrees not to see her again. Mike feels vulnerable now all his family are dead. Maggie tells him that he's always got her. Ken buys a weekend trip away in London for Deirdre's birthday. Eddie tells Hilda he's off to Liverpool again so Hilda brings Stan round to spend the evening with Marion. She tells Eddie that she knows what he's up to. Eddie maintains they've done nothing to be ashamed of. Ivy tells Gail that Brian is coming home next Monday.

23x55 Episode 2220 (12th July 1982)

12 July, 1982 8:00 pm
Ivy is adamant that she's missed Brian more than Gail has. Chalkie Whitely looks at No.7 with a view to buying it. Gail is upset that Ivy has taken the day off to welcome Brian home as she wanted to be alone with him. Maggie stops Mike from drowning his sorrows. Brian returns home - he can't believe how much Nicky has grown. Ivy and Gail are delighted. Ivy stops Brian and Gail's passion. Chalkie tells Rita that he'd like to buy No.7. Rita tells him it's £14,000, but he thinks it's too expensive. Sharon suggests that Rita sells him No.9. Brian has signed up to return to Qatar for another spell in a couple of weeks. Ivy tells Brian about Nicky going missing and Gail returning to work.

23x56 Episode 2221 (14th July 1982)

14 July, 1982 8:00 pm
Brian tells Gail that he doesn't like her working amongst all the lorry drivers at the cafe. Rita tells Chalkie that he could buy No.9 for cheaper than £14,000. He's interested in it for £10,500. Brian gets angry when he overhears pub-talk that Gail has been going out with lorry drivers. Chalkie looks round No.9 and likes it. He tells Rita that he'll buy it for £10,000. Rita worries what Len will say. Mike tells Maggie that he wants to get married. Les Charlton calls on Gail and is confused by Brian's presence. Brian wants to know who he is. Brian goes for him and throws him out, upsetting Gail who swears he's just a friend. Brian accuses Gail of having an affair with Les and tells her that he was unfaithful as well, with a nurse. She slaps his face.

23x57 Episode 2222 (19th July 1982)

19 July, 1982 8:00 pm
Hilda reads Mike's tea leaves and tells him that he's in for some trouble. Brian refuses to believe in Gail's innocence. She makes him see that she and Les Charlton kept company as they were both lonely. Rita breaks it to Len that Chalkie wants to buy No.9. Len tells Chalkie that the house is not for sale. Rita is furious. Brian upsets Ivy by telling her not to interfere in his marriage.

23x58 Episode 2223 (21st July 1982)

21 July, 1982 8:00 pm
Frankie leaves Mike £3,000 and he decides to give Sylvie Hicks £500. Rita points out to Len that after estate agent's charges and tax he might as well sell No.9 instead of No.7. Len gives in and tells Rita she can have No.7. Maggie tries to dissuade Mike from giving Sylvia £500. Ivy and Gail throw a farewell party for Brian. Rita tells Chalkie that he can buy No.9. Maggie falls out with flatmate Kathy whose new boyfriend is always around. Mr. Slater tells Len that he'd like to buy No.7 for £13,750. Len agrees but Rita is horrified. Brian tells Gail that he's not going back to Qatar; his family is more important than money. Gail is thrilled. Mike invites Maggie to move in with him. She agrees.

23x59 Episode 2224 (26th July 1982)

26 July, 1982 8:00 pm
Rita reluctantly shows the Slaters around No.7 and they have a survey carried out. Fred is annoyed when Annie refuses to let him go to the bookies. Ivy is shocked to find Brian's still in England. She is thrilled that he's staying. Fred gives Mavis £15 and instructions to put a bet on. Ron Sykes is furious when Brian tells him that he's not returning. Chalkie is horrified to hear No.9 is no longer for sale. He accuses Len of taking him for a ride. Maggie moves into Mike's flat. Mr. Slater's surveyor down values the house to £12,250. Len refuses to lower the price of the house so Slater withdraws from the sale. Fred's horse loses. Ron tells Brian that he's signed a contract for work and the employers aren't going to be pleased. Ron knows he's going to be blamed and tells Brian to return to Qatar.

23x60 Episode 2225 (28th July 1982)

28 July, 1982 8:00 pm
Hilda is upset that Maggie and Mike are living together. She accuses Maggie of letting the female sex down. Len shows the Barlows round No.7 and tries to get them to buy it. Deirdre tells him that if they wanted to move they wouldn't want another house in the Street. Len decides No.7 shouldn't be sold as no one else would appreciate it as much as him. He tells Rita that they can move in. Brian keeps out of Ron Sykes' way. Hilda tells Mike that her morals are offended by Maggie's presence but he shuts her up by offering her an extra £1 a day whilst Maggie is there. Len tells Chalkie he can definitely buy No.9. Fred owes bookie Sammy Chadwick money and has to keep betting to pay him back. Ron tells Brian he wants to see him in the morning in Albert Street.

23x61 Episode 2226 (2nd August 1982)

02 August, 1982 8:00 pm
Mavis receives a letter from the Palace thanking her for her jumper. She worries as Harry appears to be unwell. Fred watches horse racing on Annie's TV, putting it on the bar top. "Harry" lays an egg, Mavis realises "he" must be a "she". Ron Sykes shows Brian round a garage on Albert Street. It has been empty for fifteen years and is going cheap. Ron wants to rent it and asks Brian to come into partnership with him, 60-40. Brian is interested. Mavis renames Harry "Harriet". Brian will have to invest all his money, £2,000, in the garage to make it a success. Annie is annoyed to find her TV on the bar top. Fred tells her he brought it down for a customer. Eddie tells Mavis that the egg won't hatch unless it's been fertilised. She refuses to believe him and feels it will hatch if kept warm. Sammy Chadwick turns up in the Rovers and tells Fred he owes him £85 and he's closing his credit account. He wants repaying in the morning.

23x62 Episode 2227 (4th August 1982)

04 August, 1982 8:00 pm
Mavis nurses the egg and watches it, waiting for it to hatch. Gail looks over the garage. She thinks that it's a dump and isn't keen to put all their money into it. Fred offers Sammy Chadwick weekly instalments but Sammy demands payment in full as he needs to get a hire car for his wife. Mavis carries the egg around in her bra to keep it warm. She calls in the RSPCA. As Annie is going away for a few days, Fred hires the Rover out to Sammy for the week to wipe off his debt. The RSPCA man, Jack Walsh, tells Mavis that the egg won't hatch but offers to supply a cock bird for her to mate Harriet with. Mavis refuses, worried that Harriet won't like him. Brian and Gail decide to take a chance on the garage. They start advertising Sykes and Tilsley's Garage. Annie shocks Fred by telling him that she wants to take the Rover away with her. He tells her that the brakes are pulling. She is convinced to take the coach. Fred hands the Rover over to Sammy.

23x63 Episode 2228 (9th August 1982)

09 August, 1982 8:00 pm
Brian is nervous on his first day as a boss. Len offers to look after the maintenance of the garage in return for van repairs. Alf joins the watch committee and has to clear a blue movie. A competitor, Frank Skinner, calls on Brian and tries to suss him out - he asks him to send any jobs that he can't do to him for 10% commission. Alf votes against the showing of the X-rated film and it is banned from Weatherfield. Fred panics when he discovers that Mrs Chadwick is in Blackpool with the Rover as Annie is returning in the morning.

23x64 Episode 2229 (11th August 1982)

11 August, 1982 8:00 pm
Brian gives a body repair job to Frank Skinner. Mr. Wainwright, manager of the Luxy Cinema is furious that Alf has banned his film. He is interested to discover that he has a blonde barmaid living with him. Mrs. Chadwick arrives and tells Fred that the Rover broke down in Wigan. Fred gets Brian to run him over to fetch it back. Wainwright gets the Gazette to call at the shop and in Alf's absence they interview Bet. She tells them how Alf took her in, despite the neighbours' gossip, and she doesn't pay rent. Brian manages to repair the Rover for Fred. Ron Sykes telephones and tells Brian that Skinner is not to be trusted. Annie decides to stay with Olive Taylor-Brown for another day. Marion's boyfriend Phil Moss turns up looking for her.

23x65 Episode 2230 (16th August 1982)

16 August, 1982 8:00 pm
Fred goes off to a holiday camp. Annie returns from holidaying with Olive Taylor-Brown. Maggie looks over a lock-up shop in Station Road, thinking of buying it. Marion is shocked to see Phil Moss again. The Gazette carries Bet's picture and a report saying that Bet lives rent-free at the Corner Shop flat. Alf tells her that he was a fool to take her in. Phil tells Marion he's missed her. She tells him that she is now Eddie's girl. Chalkie is annoyed to hear the Faircloughs are taking their carpets with them. Marion tells Eddie that she was nearly engaged to Phil. He tells her that it makes no difference to him. Bet apologises to Alf, feeling like a cheap tart. He tells her that he wants her to leave the flat. Rita sells the carpets to Chalkie for £100. Len decides to throw a farewell party at No.9 rather than a house-warming at No.7. Maggie needs £3,000 to open the new shop. Phil tells Marion that he wants them to start up again.

23x66 Episode 2231 (18th August 1982)

18 August, 1982 8:00 pm
Bet finds a flat but tells Alf that she doesn't really like it. Ken warns Alf that Bet moving out quickly could look suspicious. Eddie sees Marion with Phil Moss and grows jealous. Phil tells Marion that he loves her and wants her back. He tells Eddie he wants Marion to break their engagement. Marion doesn't know who to choose. The Faircloughs throw a party. Alf asks Bet to stay on for a while. She agrees. Chalkie is put out to find a party in progress at No.9 when he calls to do some jobs. He is cross to see people walking food into the carpet. Maggie asks Mike to lend her £3,000. Rita is horrified when Bet moves the party into No.7. Eddie is upset that Marion won't choose him over Phil. He suggests they call off the engagement to give her more space. She gives her ring back to him.

23x67 Episode 2232 (23rd August 1982)

23 August, 1982 8:00 pm
The Faircloughs move into No.7. Len is nostalgic about leaving No.9. Hilda finds Marion's ring in Eddie's room. He is forced to tell her that the engagement is off. Marion goes to visit her aunt to think things over. Hilda tells Eddie that she's sure Marion will return to him. Maggie feels the shop is a bargain. Mike tells her that she's a bad risk as she's offering him nothing in return. She is furious. Frank Skinner does a re-spray for one of Brian's clients. Maggie borrows the money from Harry Redman. Mike is jealous and wonders what Harry means to her. Len enjoys living in a house he built. Craig Whitely, Chalkie's grandson, moves into No.9 with him and his drumming practice upsets the Faircloughs.

23x68 Episode 2233 (25th August 1982)

25 August, 1982 8:00 pm
Brian hits trouble when, Mr. McKellar, one of the customers he passed on to Frank Skinner, complains of bad work - and Skinner refuses to put it right. Maggie behaves oddly all day - then breaks it to Mike that he's going to be a father. Rita keeps on finding fault with the new house until Len blows his top.

23x69 Episode 2234 (30th August 1982)

30 August, 1982 8:00 pm
Fred returns from holiday feeling fit. Maggie feels that the baby is an inconvenience. Mr McKellar is furious that Brian won't re-spray the car. He refuses to remove the car until he's satisfied with the job. Annie finds an expensive ladies cigarette lighter in the Rover. Fred swears that he hasn't used the car whilst she's been away. Mike is thrilled that he's going to be a father. Maggie is annoyed that he's told Len about the baby as she isn't sure if she wants to be a mother. Brian thinks McKellar will give up and take the car away. He hears that McKellar has put a notice in his windscreen saying that the garage does a rotten job. Mrs Chadwick tells Fred that she's left her lighter in the Rover.

23x70 Episode 2235 (1st September 1982)

01 September, 1982 8:00 pm
Customers pull out of the garage because of Mr McKellar's notice. Mike thinks that Maggie would feel better if they were married so he proposes to her. Brian takes the notice down. Frank Skinner tells him that he's being too soft with McKellar. Annie is intrigued to see Fred with the posh Mrs Chadwick. She tells Fred it's obvious that they're having an affair and advises him to finish with her. She gives him the lighter to give to Mrs Chadwick and Fred agrees to finish his "affair". Brian tells McKellar that he got the job he paid for and tells him to remove the car. McKellar tells him that he's a con man. Gail is upset to see Brian bullying McKellar. Maggie tells Mike that she can't marry him; she doesn't love him. He accuses her of using him. She leaves the flat when he insists that she keeps the baby.

23x71 Episode 2236 (6th September 1982)

06 September, 1982 8:00 pm
Mike refuses to let Maggie walk out of his life with his child. Marion returns to No.11. Eddie is delighted to see her. Mike tells Deirdre that pregnant Maggie has left him. His story upsets her. Marion tells Elsie she went to live with Phil Moss but found she no longer loved him. An important cheque is sent to Len at No.9. Chalkie gives it to Len a week later. Len is furious and shouts at him. Chalkie tells them that he won't forward any letters in future. Eddie fears that Marion doesn't want to see him again. Mike hears people talking about Maggie leaving him and sacks Hilda, even though she swears she hasn't told anyone. Marion feels that Eddie doesn't want to see her anymore.

23x72 Episode 2237 (8th September 1982)

08 September, 1982 8:00 pm
Chalkie gets frustrated when Craig keeps skiving off school. He refuses to pass on letters for Len. Hilda is upset that Mike has sacked her. She lays into Mike, telling him that she's served him well. He tells her that the job is still hers. Chalkie's boiler goes wrong. He accuses Len of not looking after it and threatens to send him the repair bill. Len tells him that No.9 is nothing to do with him so Chalkie writes "not known at this address" on Len's letters. Elsie and Hilda decide to get Eddie and Marion back together. They set up a meeting between them. Len hears Wilshaw's have sent him a tender form and he has now lost the job as he hasn't replied. Eddie and Marion meet and realise Hilda and Elsie have been plotting. Marion tells Eddie that he's the only man she wants. Len accuses Chalkie of keeping his post. Eddie gives Marion her ring back. Mike employs a time and motion study man, Eric Broadhurst, but he tells Ivy not to tell the girls.

23x73 Episode 2238 (13th September 1982)

13 September, 1982 8:00 pm
Ivy doesn't trust Eric Broadhurst as he carries out his study. Mike wants to know which the most expensive factory to run: London or Weatherfield. Eddie's jailbird friend Billy Nelson calls at No.13 and gains Hilda's sympathy with his tales of woe. The factory girls guess that Broadhurst is studying them, Ida decides to bring in the union. Mike tells the girls he has to have the study carried out. Len discovers that Chalkie has redirected his mail. He is furious as the Wilshaw's order would have earned him £600. Hilda falls for Billy's tales and tells him that he can sleep on the sofa. Eddie warns her that Billy is a thief.

23x74 Episode 2239 (15th September 1982)

15 September, 1982 8:00 pm
Rita pays for the Post Office to redirect their letters - Len is annoyed that Chalkie has won. Jack overhears Eric Broadhurst telling Ken that it's his job to see if the factory should close. Jack warns Vera that her job may be on the line. Vera tackles Mike who tells her that he has no plans to close the factory. Rita finds out where the trap door at No.9 is for Chalkie to make the peace. Len realises why she's asking and gives her the wrong information. Rita tells Len that he's childish for carrying the feud on. Billy Nelson tells Eddie he's escaped from custody and the police are looking for him. Eddie realises the Ogdens could get done for harbouring him.

23x75 Episode 2240 (20th September 1982)

20 September, 1982 8:00 pm
Eddie tells Billy Nelson to leave No.13. Sharon sees Brian and thinks that he's dishy. Phyllis Pearce, Craig's other grandparent, tracks Chalkie and Craig down to the Street. She wants Craig to live with her but Chalkie refuses to give him up. Hilda gets Billy to go to the Rovers where he hides in a corner. He sees a CID man in the pub and panics. Eddie tells him to leave in the morning.

23x76 Episode 2241 (22nd September 1982)

22 September, 1982 8:00 pm
Eddie is forced to tell Stan that Billy Nelson is on the run. Stan tells Eddie to get Billy out. Hilda is upset that Eddie and Stan are picking on Billy. Phyllis thinks No.9 is a tip and tries to lure Craig into her house. Sharon decides she's in love with Brian and finds out where he works. Billy disappears when Stan lets him believe a police car is watching No.13. Sharon chats Brian up. She feels that he's interested in her but is stunned to see him kissing Gail. Phyllis upsets Albert by sitting on his chair in the Snug. Marion loses her engagement ring.

23x77 Episode 2242 (27th September 1982)

27 September, 1982 8:00 pm
Marion searches everywhere for her ring. Sharon refuses to be put off Brian just because he's married. Mike is surprised that the factory in Weatherfield is more efficient than the London one. Annie's wristwatch goes missing. Vera reads the time and motion report in Mike's office. She doesn't understand a word of it. Mike lets the girls think he's closing the factory before telling them they're not as efficient as the London office and the report recommends he makes redundancies. He tells them that he's not going to sack anyone if they agree to no pay rise this year and to work harder. Sharon borrows a friend's bike and punctures it. She then asks Brian to repair it. The girls thank Mike for saving their jobs. The London shop steward tells Ida that Mike is making 25% of them redundant and asks her to support them. The girls are puzzled. Brian repairs Sharon's bike, knowing that she fancies him. Eddie hears that jewellery has been stolen from the area. Milly Webster travels up from Lond

23x78 Episode 2243 (29th September 1982)

29 September, 1982 8:00 pm
Ivy puts Milly Webster up as she stays over. Mike tells Ivy that Milly is poisonous. Ivy tells him that Milly thinks the London factory is in trouble, not them. Milly threatens Mike with a strike in London. She wants the girls to strike with them. Sharon tries to seduce Brian but he isn't interested. Ivy feels that the London girls should sort their own problems out. The girls accuse her of siding with management. Elsie thinks Mike's trying to transfer the business to Weatherfield as he wants to close the London factory down. The majority of workers vote against the strike, thinking Elsie is right. Eddie fears Annie will bring in the police over her watch. He visits Billy Nelson's fence, Monkey Gibbons, and looks through his stuff. He finds Annie's watch and Marion's ring. Milly can't believe the girls won't support her. She tells the girls they're chicken. Emily tells the girls that the report favoured them and not London. Eddie tells Hilda that Billy was on the run from the police an

23x79 Episode 2244 (4th October 1982)

04 October, 1982 8:00 pm
Annie's old friend Joyce Lomax comes to stay at the Rovers. Craig skives off school. When Phyllis catches him out he pretends that he has stomach ache. Phyllis accuses Chalkie of drinking whilst Craig needs him. Fred throws himself at Joyce when he discovers that she's a wealthy widow. Sharon can't understand what Brian sees in Gail. Craig wants a pet and talks Chalkie into getting some pigeons like they used to have. Phyllis disapproves, finding them dirty. Annie introduces Joyce to Alf hoping that romance will blossom. Sharon overhears Brian looking for a babysitter.

23x80 Episode 2245 (6th October 1982)

06 October, 1982 8:00 pm
Sharon replaces a washer for Gail and agrees to babysit for her when she asks. Fred is put out when Joyce Lomax flirts with Alf. Chalkie and Craig build a pigeon house. Len rows with them for making too much noise. Brian is alarmed that Sharon is babysitting for them. He makes a point of kissing Gail in front of her. Joyce shows a lot of interest in Alf's shop. She makes him see that he should think bigger. Gail gets Brian to drive Sharon home in the van. When she kisses him goodnight he doesn't stop her.

23x81 Episode 2246 (11th October 1982)

11 October, 1982 8:00 pm
Hilda discovers that Goldenhurst, Oakfield Drive, home of Doctor and Mrs Lowther, is advertising for a cleaner. She wants to apply as it's her ambition to clean in a big house. Ron Sykes returns from Qatar. Sharon writes Brian a letter, thanking him for running her home. Joyce Lomax looks at off-licences in the area and asks Alf to give her advice. Ron opens Sharon's letter, telling Brian that he's a special person. He advises Brian to sort her out. Mike writes Hilda a glowing reference. She sends it to the Lowthers.

23x82 Episode 2247 (13th October 1982)

13 October, 1982 8:00 pm
The Lowthers ask Hilda to go for an interview. Sharon is upset that Brian hasn't replied to her letter. Alf warns Fred off Joyce Lomax. Bet has to stop Fred from hitting Alf. Mrs Lowther interviews Hilda at their house - "Goldenhurst". Joyce tells Alf that he should come into partnership with her, turn his shop into an off-licence and join her chain of shops. He is interested. Sharon discovers that it's Brian's birthday. She gives him a keyring and chocolates. Brian asks her not to send him any more letters. He enjoys the attention but doesn't want to encourage her.

23x83 Episode 2248 (18th October 1982)

18 October, 1982 8:00 pm
Sharon starts to phone Brian at home, putting the phone down when Gail answers. Alf is tempted by Joyce Lomax's offer of a partnership. Gail gets Sharon to babysit as she and Brian are both going out. Mrs Lowther rings Annie and gets a verbal reference about Hilda; Hilda worries about what Annie said. Annie is furious to discover that Joyce is trying to persuade Alf to convert the shop into an off-licence. Brian returns home drunk. Sharon makes a pass at him which he enjoys. Nicky's crying stops their romantic mood.

23x84 Episode 2249 (20th October 1982)

20 October, 1982 8:00 pm
Brian regrets his session with Sharon. Sharon steals a photo of Brian whilst babysitting. She carries it around in a locket. Alf is taken aback at the speed in which Joyce Lomax is pressing him into the merger as she makes an appointment with a solicitor. Hilda is thrilled when Mrs Lowther writes to give her the job. Brian tells Sharon that he doesn't want her to come to the house again. He tells her that he's fond of her but loves Gail. Alf tells Joyce she's taking him for granted and he's decided not to change the shop. She tells him that he's throwing away the chance of a lifetime. Alf is relieved when she leaves. Hilda buys a new overall for her new job. Gail plans a night out with Brian, telling him Sharon can babysit.

23x85 Episode 2250 (25th October 1982)

25 October, 1982 8:00 pm
Rita guesses that Sharon is in love. Craig's pigeons arrive. He is warned not to let them out of their basket. Brian tells Sharon to leave him alone as he's happily married. She tells him that she loves him and is willing to share him with Gail. Hilda starts work for the Lowthers. Brian tries to get out of going out with Gail as he doesn't want Sharon to babysit. Len doesn't like living next door to pigeons and complains to Chalkie. Rita worries that a lad is making Sharon unhappy.

23x86 Episode 2251 (27th October 1982)

27 October, 1982 8:00 pm
Someone lets Craig's pigeons loose. Sharon tells Brian she's got a photo of him. He tells her that he wants it back and tries to take it from her. Gail sees them struggling together and realises what has been going on. Brian tries to tell her that nothing has been going on but she takes the picture off Sharon. She realises that Sharon has flung herself at Brian and he hasn't been able to refuse her. Mavis enjoys her English Literature course at the Community Centre. Chalkie accuses Len of letting the pigeons loose. Len throws him out. Phyllis admits that she let the pigeons out. Chalkie accuses her of interfering in their lives. Gail tells Brian that she believes nothing happened between him and Sharon. Chalkie apologises to Len for accusing him. Len gives him a lift to Wigan to see if the pigeons have returned to their original owner. Gail tells Rita that Sharon is in love with Brian. She wants her to sort Sharon out. Debbie Nuttall calls on Fred. She tells him that Critchley has been

23x87 Episode 2252 (1st November 1982)

01 November, 1982 8:00 pm
Brian accuses Gail of not trusting him. Rita tackles Sharon about her relationship with Brian and she asks Sharon for her side of the story. Sharon tells her that she and Brian love each other and Brian started it. Eunice phones the Rovers causing Annie to tell Fred to put his house in order. He arranges to see Eunice and she calls at the Rovers. She tells Fred that she's unhappy. Sharon refuses to take Rita's complaints seriously. She refuses to give Brian up or to leave him alone. When Sharon tells her that she's a hypocrite - living with Harry Bates - Rita slaps her face. Eunice shows Fred her black eyes and asks him to get her gear from Critchley's hotel; he agrees. Rita tells the Tilsleys that Sharon is adamant that she loves Brian. Brian tells Rita that he's not encouraged Sharon. Rita asks him to tell Sharon that he doesn't love her.

23x88 Episode 2253 (3rd November 1982)

03 November, 1982 8:00 pm
Brian thinks that Sharon will grow out of fancying him without his intervention. Sharon is upset that Rita won't let her see Brian. Elsie enjoys going out with new salesman boyfriend Geoff Siddall. Rita tells Sharon that Brian doesn't love her. Sharon refuses to believe it. Fred and Eunice go to the hotel to fetch her bags. Fred fears that Ben Critchley will become violent. He is shocked when Critchley is charming and gives him the bags. Eunice tells Fred that Critchley didn't really hit her and wants him to have her back. He tells her that he has no feelings left for her. Sharon calls on Brian at the garage and begs him to stop everyone splitting them up. Brian tells her that he doesn't love her and doesn't want her. He makes it clear that he's not going to throw his marriage away for her. He throws her out of the garage, causing her to tell him that he's horrible. Fred drops Eunice at her father's house and tells her they're finished for good. Sharon breaks down and tells Rita that i

23x89 Episode 2254 (8th November 1982)

08 November, 1982 8:00 pm
Bob Whitely returns from the Gulf after being away for four months. Mavis admits to Emily that she's taken with classmate Victor Pendlebury but is too shy to find out if he's married or not. Bob thinks that No.9 is a bit pokey. Bet is taken with Bob and flirts with him. Eddie is interested in Geoff Siddall's business: bringing cars over from the continent and selling them for vast profits.

23x90 Episode 2255 (10th November 1982)

10 November, 1982 8:00 pm
Victor Pendlebury and Mavis decide to enter stories in a radio writing competition. Bob Whitely fancies Deirdre. Elsie enjoys going out with Geoff Siddall as he drives an expensive car. Bet tells Bob that it's her night off and she'd like to see him. She wears her tartiest top to impress him but he is more interested in Deirdre. On finding Deirdre is married, he decides Bet will do. Bet is pleased when Bob invites her round to No.9. She arrives to find the entire family watching TV and is forced to join them. Victor gives Mavis his story to read. She finds it very strong and envies his worldly experiences. He suggests they collaborate on a story for the radio competition. She thinks it's a good idea. Eddie tells Geoff that he has £1,000 and would like to invest it. Geoff tells him that he has a private venture going on and offers him a share in it.

23x91 Episode 2256 (15th November 1982)

15 November, 1982 8:00 pm
Geoff Siddall plans a trip to Belgium to collect some cars. He asks Elsie to come with him. Chalkie throws a "welcome home" party for Bob. Eddie wants to invest his £1,000 in Geoff's business but Marion feels that it's too risky. Phyllis gatecrashes Bob's party, much to Chalkie's annoyance. Chalkie makes a play for Bet at the party whilst Bob chats Deirdre up. Mavis and Victor clash over how to end their short story. Mavis wants a happy ending but Victor wants it left in the air. Eddie gives Geoff a cheque for £1,000 to invest in his business but he doesn't want Marion to know. Bet makes progress with Bob at the party. Craig interrupts their intimate moments until Bet threatens to kill his pigeons. She is stunned when Bob announces that he's leaving the navy and has decided to emigrate to Australia, and take Craig with him. Phyllis and Chalkie are horrified.

23x92 Episode 2257 (17th November 1982)

17 November, 1982 8:00 pm
Craig doesn't want to leave Weatherfield or Chalkie behind. Bob Whitely tells Chalkie that he's welcome to join them. Marion discovers that Eddie has withdrawn £1,000 from their building society account. Phyllis is upset that Craig is keen to live in Australia. She tells him that he could live with her. Marion rows with Eddie and accuses him of cheating her out of their savings. Chalkie decides he's too old to uproot himself and leave England. Bob tries to convince him that he can start again and points out that he'll be miles away from Phyllis. Elsie decides to accompany Geoff Siddall to Belgium. Mavis and Victor's story "A Night to Forget" has been selected to be read over the radio. Mavis worries, feeling that pieces may be too rude. Craig tells Bob that he's not leaving without Chalkie. Marion feels that she can't trust Eddie any more.

23x93 Episode 2258 (22nd November 1982)

22 November, 1982 8:00 pm
Chalkie tells Bob Whitely he's going to stay in Weatherfield. Elsie shops for her trip to Belgium. Chalkie and Phyllis decide to join forces to persuade Bob to let Craig stay with them. Victor tells Mavis their story is going to be broadcast on the radio tomorrow. Mavis is nervous at the thought. Eddie convinces Marion that his motives were good and he wants the money to grow for their new home. Ken lets slip to Rita about the radio broadcast. Phyllis tells Chalkie she'll never forgive him if he lets Bob take Craig away from her. Bob asks Chalkie not to interfere with his plans for Craig; he wants to make things up to him for his absences in the past. Elsie waits in vain for Geoff Siddall to pick her up, she then discovers he has disappeared. She breaks the news to Eddie and Marion.

23x94 Episode 2259 (24th November 1982)

24 November, 1982 8:00 pm
Ken convinces Chalkie that there would be more opportunities for Craig in Australia. Geoff Siddall's boss tells Elsie that Geoff has left the country, taking company funds with him. Elsie breaks the news to Marion. Mavis and Victor tune in to Radio Weatherfield to listen to their story but are annoyed when Len and Rita make fun of it. Elsie is furious that her holiday has been cancelled. Marion is distressed as they've lost their savings. Marion rows with Elsie for picking up Geoff in the first place. Mavis is relieved that no one else has remembered to listen to the story. Chalkie tells Craig that it would be in his best interests to emigrate. Bob is pleased. Eddie is stunned to discover Geoff has run off with his money. Marion tells Eddie that he's a failure and they might as well finish for good. She tells him to stay out of her life.

23x95 Episode 2260 (29th November 1982)

29 November, 1982 8:00 pm
Chalkie assures Craig that he loves him but he'd be better off in Australia. Sharon is still depressed over not seeing Brian. She feels that she'll never get over him. Marion is sorry for her outburst and wants to apologise but she can't find Eddie. Mr. Carter of social services contacts the Faircloughs and tells them that they have found Sharon a job as kennel maid in Sheffield. Rita doesn't like the idea of Sharon moving away. Len agrees with her and they decide not to tell Sharon about the job offer. Marion and Hilda are upset to find that Eddie has disappeared.

23x96 Episode 2261 (1st December 1982)

01 December, 1982 8:00 pm
Phyllis cooks an early Christmas dinner for the Whitelys but everyone's too excited to enjoy it. Marion discovers that Eddie hasn't been at work. Rita decides that Sharon should be told about the job in Sheffield. Sharon is delighted with the prospect of a proper job but doesn't like the idea of leaving the Faircloughs. Bet is sad that Bob is leaving and tries, in vain, to get him to write to her. Len is angry that Rita has told Sharon about the job. Elsie is annoyed when Hilda accuses Marion of driving Eddie away from his home. Hilda turns on Elsie, blaming her for bringing Geoff Siddall into their lives. Phyllis sobs as Craig and Bob leave for Australia. Chalkie is sad to see them go. Social worker Mr. Carter tells Sharon that if she takes the job she will live with the Stringers who own the kennels. He tells her that he'll need to know soon if she wants the job. Marion is told that Jack saw Eddie making his way to Liverpool.

23x97 Episode 2262 (6th December 1982)

06 December, 1982 8:00 pm
Ken organises a dance at the Community Centre in aid of a children's charity. Marion grows distressed, fearing that Eddie will fall in with his old friends and end up in Walton Jail again. Len offers Sharon an apprenticeship in order to keep her in Weatherfield. Marion goes to Liverpool to search for Eddie. Stan realises that Hilda is worried about Eddie and tries to comfort her. Sharon tells the Faircloughs that she'll never get over Brian if she stays in the Street so she's decided to go to Sheffield. Len is furious that Brian is driving her away. Marion arrives in Liverpool.

23x98 Episode 2263 (8th December 1982)

08 December, 1982 8:00 pm
Marion looks up all of Eddie's old friends in Liverpool but no one has seen him. Fred chats Elsie up in the hope she'll accompany him to the Community Centre dance. Len accuses Brian of leading Sharon on and dropping her. He tells Brian that he wants to thump him for driving Sharon away. Marion persuades a lorry driver to put out a call on his CB for "Slim Jim". A breaker comes on saying he spotted Eddie the previous day. Marion traces Eddie to his digs only to find he's moved as he has no money. Rita is close to tears as Sharon leaves for Sheffield. Len tries to control his emotions but fails. Marion is approached by a man who mistakes her for a prostitute. She tries to escape him. Eddie turns up, sees her plight and scares the man off.

23x99 Episode 2264 (13th December 1982)

13 December, 1982 8:00 pm
Hilda is thrilled when Eddie returns with Marion. They are reconciled. The factory girls make up denim handbags behind Mike's back for Christmas presents. They make extra ones to give to Sammy Patel to sell on his market stall. Eddie plans to make up the £1,000 by stopping drinking and smoking. Marion is amused by his determination. Blanche invites the Barlows and Albert to spend Christmas with her at the country club. Deirdre is keen but Albert refuses to go. Ivy refuses to have anything to do with the handbags which Vera and Elsie are making. She warns them that Mike will kill them if he finds out.

23x100 Episode 2265 (15th December 1982)

13 December, 1982 8:00 pm
The girls in the factory continue turning out illicit handbags, but a furious Mike finds out, and sacks Ivy. Emily volunteers to look after Albert so that the Barlows can go to Blanche's for Christmas, but Deirdre finds out that Ken doesn't want to go.

23x101 Episode 2266 (20th December 1982)

20 December, 1982 8:00 pm
There is conflict between Ken and Deirdre over his refusal to go away for Christmas. Ken tries to recruit cabaret for tomorrow night's Community Centre dance. Eddie and Chalkie try to sell Christmas trees from the back of the bin wagon. The Faircloughs receive a Christmas card from Sharon in Sheffield. Hilda returns home from the Lowthers' house with some clothes that Mrs Lowther had sorted out for the charity shop. The factory workers are shocked at the news of Ivy's sacking by Mike.

23x102 Episode 2267 (22nd December 1982)

22 December, 1982 8:00 pm
Hilda gets Stan to wear Doctor Lowther's dress suit to see what he looks like. Deirdre agrees to spend Christmas at home to please Ken. Elsie and Vera tell Mike that Ivy knew nothing about the bag-making and plead with him to reinstate Ivy but he refuses. Annie calls on the Ogdens and is put out to find they seem to have dressed for dinner. Mavis and Victor take Emily to the Community Centre dance. When Mavis is shy about dancing, Victor drags Emily onto the floor. Jack and Vera sing at the dance and are a success. Deirdre feels bored at the dance as Ken is busy as an MC. Chalkie makes a play for Bet at the dance. Mike tells Ivy she can return to work, as a Christmas present. Mavis feels like a wallflower as Victor and Emily spend the evening together. Mavis walks out of the dance. Deirdre is pleased when Mike dances with her. He tells her to call on him over Christmas if she gets bored. Fred and Chalkie jostle each other to dance with Elsie. Marion tells Elsie that Maggie has got marr

23x103 Episode 2268 (27th December 1982)

27 December, 1982 8:00 pm
Deirdre is touched when Ray Langton sends Tracy a Christmas present. Ken annoys her by saying that Ray should face up to his responsibilities more often. Mavis is cool towards Emily and Victor, especially when Victor tells her that Emily is a wonderful person. Rita advises Mavis to fight for her man. Elsie tells Mike that Maggie has married Harry Redman. He is stunned. He doesn't like the idea of another man bringing his child up. Mavis accuses Emily of monopolising Victor. Emily gets annoyed and tells her that she gave Victor some supper. Annie discovers that Nellie Harvey is throwing a party for her staff and decides to throw one herself. Bet tells Fred that they'll have to buy each other presents. Mavis refuses to drink with Victor. He is flattered by her jealousy. She tells him that he's a rotten writer and she never wants to see him again.

23x104 Episode 2269 (29th December 1982)

29 December, 1982 8:00 pm
Hilda is cross not to be invited to the Rovers' staff party so Annie is forced to invite her. Emily manages to convince Mavis there is nothing between Victor and her. Deirdre wants to see a film at the pictures and is annoyed when Ken refuses to take her as he wants to watch a documentary on TV. Mavis apologises to Victor and is thrilled when he agrees to start afresh with her. Deirdre has a boring time over Christmas and goes to the pictures alone. Victor tries to get Mavis to take him into her flat but she refuses. Fred gives the girls presents and realises Bet has conned him as they haven't anything for him. After the pictures, Deirdre refuses to go straight home and calls on Mike. They drink together.

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